Roofing scams are not uncommon, especially after a major storm has come through. Some scams are easy to spot and avoid, others not so much. At M&K Renovations, we are licensed and insured custom home remodeling experts and we hate to see people cheated. Here are some red flags to help you avoid being a victim of roofing scams. 

Scammer red flags

It is not uncommon, especially after a major storm, for an unsolicited roofing rep to come to your door and offer a free inspection. These people are often called “storm chasers” because they show up after bad weather has come through, when homeowners are upset and vulnerable to scams because they have roof damage that needs to be repaired right away. The worried homeowners jump at the convenience of having someone look at their roof quickly. 

The problem is that these door-to-door salesmen are rarely from reputable companies. Once they get on the roof, they sometimes cause damage so they have something to fix. Or they promise you a “free roof,” claiming they know how to get your insurance company to pay for it. 

High-pressured sales tactics to get you to sign immediately are also immediate red flags. And if a roofer says he needs money upfront to pay for materials, show him the door. Never pay a contractor until materials have been delivered to your house and work has begun. 

Scammers often offer a very low bid then add “unforeseen costs” as the job progresses. They may even cause damage as they go along, in order to keep the job going and charge more. If you hired the roofer for a small job and he comes to you and says he “discovered a bigger problem,” proceed with caution and consider getting a second opinion. 

Avoiding scammers

Many of these tactics can be avoided by not hiring anyone who comes to your door unsolicited. The salesperson may seem nice and knowledgeable, but chances are they are neither – just a really good scammer. 

Some of these scams, however, can occur even if you called the roofer yourself. The best way to avoid these scams is to get several bids and compare them. If one bid is significantly lower than the others or does not mention a problem that the other roofers noticed, do not choose that roofer. It may have been an innocent oversight, which could suggest they are not thorough. Or they may be planning on “discovering” it later and jacking up the price once they are hired and your roof is ripped up. 

A good contractor wants you to be confident that you’re making the right decision and will never employ fear tactics or pressure. At M&K, we never push homeowners into a quick decision, and we are transparent about costs and potential complications that might arise. With rare exceptions, our final costs are consistent with our estimates. We are confident in our work and offer homeowners the opportunity to contact former customers to get their honest appraisal of us and the work we’ve done. 

Keeping the roof over your head in great shape will protect your home for years to come. When you hire a local, certified, reputable, and experienced roofing expert, you can avoid roofing scams. Contact us here at M&K Renovations to get an honest appraisal of your roof so we can protect your greatest investment.